Thousands of users benefit from DGOffice, supporting their transportation, handling, storage, production and trading of dangerous goods.
DGOffice in short
• Allows you to concentrate on what you need or want to do with your dangerous goods
• Provides insight in what is allowed and obligatory in trade, transportation, handling, storage and production
• Fulfills all the required documentation and labeling needs
• Let’s you stay on top of what is happening
• Ensures you stay compliant with legislation
• Keeps the risk at a minimum against affordable costs
• Is updated constantly to continuously comply with the applicable rules and regulations
Our software product range covers all areas within:
How it works
All begins with DG General; the core component that offers all primary tools and functions to implement, run and manage DGOffice. It includes dangerous goods information and several administration options. Then, expand at the mere click of a button. Only use the software modules required. Each module offers a comprehensive set of functions, developed for a specific business or industry segment.
For more information send us an email : or
call us +352 245 694 91 .